Nindooinbah Black Bulls For Sale

Fertile, Herd Improver Bulls

“Nindooinbah” Beaudesert Queensland

2025 Private Treaty Autumn Bull SalesOr Call 0428 448 280
Brangus Australia

We sell registered black Brangus and performance-recorded UltraBlack bulls

Brangus Sires

Suhns Business Line 30D26
Brangus DMR Climax 30E46

Brangus Sire DMR Climax 30E46

Angus Sires

Angus Sire Landfall New Ground N90

Angus Sire Landfall New Ground N90

chiltern park moe m6

Angus Sire Chiltern Park Moe M6

Bull Sale Enquiries

Call Manager Nat McGhee on 0428 448 280


Bull Sales

“Nindooinbah” is a professional breeder of high-performance Brangus and UltraBlack bulls.


18 month old bulls available by private treaty – WA/NT Eligible.


Spring born bulls available now. Inspection by arrangement.

Autumn born bulls available from February next year. Inspection by arrangement.
On a first-come basis.

Information on Sale Bulls

Inspection by Appointment

All bulls have BREEDPLAN Multi-breed EBVs and GBVs from the Northern Genomics Project (University of Qld)

All bulls have passed (BBSE) Bull Breeding Soundness Examination and Semen Morphology and Motility – tested by reproduction specialist John Bertram.


Carcase ultrasound assessment by Accredited Technician Loni Stone

Poll/Horn – All bulls tested for horn allele and are free of genetic defects, all by DNA testing.
All sale animals are parent – verified by DNA.
Registered heifers occasionally available.
Stud packages available = 5 females and 1 bull.

Agent Rebate

Commission available to outside Agents introducing approved buyers in writing no later than 24 hours before an inspection that results in a sale; and who accompany their buyer to the sale; and who settle on their behalf within 14 days of the purchase date as per invoice.



All bulls have been vaccinated with 7 in 1, Botulism, Pestiguard, three day (BEF), treated for internal and external parasites.


All livestock have been three germ vaccinated (blooded) and will be transported to an accredited tick clearing centre to be cleared ready for transport.

BBSE: Bull examination and structural soundness.
GLM Scenic Rim

Carl Young

(GLM Scenic Rim)

0437 233 803

Elders Stud Stock logo

Mark Meldrum

Elders Beaudesert

0409 474 064

Andrew Meara

Elders Stud Stock

0427 210 634

Black Brangus & UltraBlack Bulls For Sale

Contact Nat McGheeOr Call 0428 448 280