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It’s the ‘Angle of the Dangle’ that matters
Aug 4, 2017 | Development, Media
Another reason for buying clean sheathed Brangus and Ultrablack bulls It takes two to tango to gain high breeding levels in a herd- a prolific, fertile sire and a fertile, cycling cow. However when you consider a bull is going to be working at a ratio of 1-40 breeding...

Testimonial from Paraguayan Beef Breeding Consultant
Aug 4, 2017 | Media, Testimonials
After his visit to Nindooinbah after Rocky Beef Week in May – his second consecutive Beef Week, Paraguayan-based consultant Federico Maisonnave wrote to Nindooinbah manager Nick Cameron about his second visit to the herd in 3 years. “It’s been 3 years since I came for...
Peter Hughes on Ultrablack Bulls
Aug 4, 2017 | Development, Media
Research suggests potential costs of dehorning
Apr 4, 2016 | Development, Media
Abstract: The major factors significantly (P < 0.05) associated with mortality for potentially large numbers of calves included the specific production environment represented by site-year, low calf birthweight (more so than high birthweight) and horn status at...